The Original Video Game Magic Convention
100% FREE - 3 Easy Tricks that You can do
Not only are we sending 3 tricks your way, but you'll also be the first to know about our next two conventions.
Instant access to 3 tricks that you can learn right now. Not only are they easy to do, but they're also a lot of fun, strange, and a little bit messy!
Plus, some convention style bonuses along the way
Glad you made it 🙂
Welcome to UnConventional.Fun.
The first ever video game magic convention.
So far we've had 3 conventions:
Sept 26th + 27th 2020
Feb 27th + 28th 2021
and most recently
May 29th + 30th 2021
We've featured magicians like Asi Wind, Garrett Thomas, Michael Ammar, Jay Sankey, and so many more.
We've got two more conventions coming up this year - August 28th + 29th and November 29th + 30th.
We'll tell you more about that soon, but for now, click below to learn 3 free tricks!
Why are we giving away 3 free videos?
It's no secret!
Our magic convention is growing, and we want YOU to be part of the next one. it's happening in a few months.
So we thought, why not give you a bit of time to FALL IN LOVE with us first?
Sound good right?
So check out thee videos (totally free) and if you like our style, then you'll probably like our conventions too!
Click the button below now to get instant access to 3 AWESOME easy to do tricks!
Thanks for stopping by. Let me tell you a bit about me:
I like basketball, my cat Margaret Catwood, and finding the four aces from a shuffle deck.
Where a normal magician could use this space to tell you all about me. All about the lecturing, touring, producing shows, and virtual magic shows I've done I'm not!
I'm going to tell you that UnConventional Fun - our video game magic convention - is my favourite project we've ever done. Enjoy these videos, and I HOPE to see you at our next convention.
Click the button below now to get instant access to 3 UnConventional Tricks that you can use right away!